Mileage expiration
Award miles are valid for 36 months and expire if they are not redeemed within this period. As a SWISS Miles & More credit cardholder, you can stop your miles expiring. All you have to do is make a cashless payment once a month using your SWISS Miles & More credit card.

Conditions for postponing when your miles expire
Your award miles in the Miles & More program generally expire after 36 months. However, you can extend their validity if you have the SWISS Miles & More credit cards and you meet the following conditions:
You have been a SWISS Miles & More credit cardholder for at least one month.
You use one of your SWISS Miles & More credit cards (this includes the additional card) at least once a month for purchases that are eligible for miles1. The Miles & More account to which the award miles from the Miles & More credit card are credited will be taken into consideration.
The extended validity applies to all award miles. It doesn't matter whether they come from flights, purchases, or promotions from other Miles & More partners.
Expired miles cannot be reactivated by using a SWISS Miles & More credit card.
Resetting expired miles – if one of the above requirements is not met, the miles will expire in the following quarter, with the relevant notice given in the Miles & More account statement. Award miles that were excluded from the expiry process and/or would normally expire in this time period will remain valid until they are due to expire.
Postponing the expiring of miles under the conditions mentioned above applies to all SWISS Miles & More credit cards.
1Except for fees, interest, back-charges, cash withdrawals, payments for bank transfers and currency exchanges (also into monetary surrogates such as cryptocurrencies, Traveler Cheques, topping up cashless payment methods etc.) as well as payments to securities brokers, payments for services associated with the card (e.g. optional insurance) and any gaming or similar gambling transactions.