


SWISS SME card package Silver

Enjoy double the benefits as a company: miles for your employees, flight awards for your company.


Get your new SWISS SME card package Silver in just a few steps:

To open a corporate account, a basic account application is required as a basis.

With the application, you can apply for your first corporate credit card in the same step.

Sign the document with a legally valid signature.

You can find the application for other corporate credit cards here.

Sign the document with a legally valid signature.

You can enclose a certified copy of the identification documents with the applications or simply use video identification.

Identification of the applicant is required to issue cards.

Advantages of the SWISS SME card package Silver

  • 1,250 Miles & More welcome miles
  • 4,000 BenefitPoints as a welcome gift
  • Half the annual fee in the 1st year
  • SIXT Advantage Circle membership
  • HCorpo hotel booking platform
  • Insurance benefits
  • Miles & More frequent-flyer program
  • PartnerPlus Benefit

SWISS SME card package Silver

The entry level package for companies whose employees travel frequently. Benefit twice worldwide, and collect BenefitPoints and earn flight miles with every payment.


Are you still undecided about which SWISS SME card package suits your company and your employees best? We will be happy to advise you.

1 Only for companies who become a new PartnerPlusBenefit member with the SWISS SME card package.
2 The first time the SWISS Miles & More American Express Business is used.
3 Except for fees, interest, back-charges, cash withdrawals, payments for bank transfers and currency exchanges (also into monetary surrogates such as cryptocurrencies, Traveler Cheques, topping up cashless payment methods etc.) as well as payments to securities brokers, payments for services associated with the card (e.g. optional insurance) and any gaming or similar gambling transactions.
4 The flight has to be purchased in Switzerland with SWISS, Lufthansa or Austrian Airlines using the SWISS SME card package (directly with these airlines or with a travel agency, if it processes the payment through the airlines mentioned).
5 The "PartnerPlusBenefit Terms and Conditions (GTC)" apply, which can be found at partnerplusbenefit.com
6 Insurance coverage is provided by Allianz Global Assistance. Please refer to the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance to obtain all the details regarding the valid conditions of insurance and insurance benefits (including sums insured and exclusions of liability) at swiss-companycards.ch/insurance or request them from the issuer.

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